Most asked questions about coffee – Part 1

How much caffeine is in a coffee?

It will depend on how much coffee bean is used and what method is used to extract coffee. According to USDA, 1 cup of coffee (237g) contains 94.8 mg of caffeine.


How many calories in coffee I drink?

There are 0 calories in black coffee. Calories in coffee comes from sugar, milk and other things that’s added to the coffee.


Which has more caffeine? Tea or coffee?

According to USDA, 1 cup of coffee (237g) contains 94.8 mg of caffeine
1 cup of Black tea (237g) contains about half at 47.4 mg


Does dark roast have more caffeine?

Not necessarily. Bitterness on darker roast mistakenly thought as more caffeine but same bean roasted darker / lighter does not change amount caffeine in the coffee


What are the different between Robusta and Coffee Arabica beans?

Those are the two main species of coffee bean.

Arabica is a more delicate plant and grows at higher altitude. Has smoother taste and are considered gourmet coffee beans. Over 3/4 of beans traded in the world are Arabica beans.

Robusta can grow in harsher condition and lower altitude. That is where the name “robust” comes from. Has higher caffeine level than Arabica beans.


What’s the difference between Decaffeinated Coffee (DECAF) and regular coffee?

To start, there is no such thing as Coffee grown without Caffeine. All coffee beans naturally contain caffeine.

The beans are warmed and soaked in liquid to dissolve and remove the caffeine in one of four ways:
using water alone (Swiss Water method), using a mixture of water and solvents (most commonly methylene chloride or ethyl acetate) applied either directly or indirectly, or using water and “supercritical carbon dioxide.”

All four methods are safe, and once the caffeine is removed (well, at least 97% of it), the beans are washed, steamed, and dried to evaporate all the liquids used in decaffeination.