Colombia Finca La Indonesia Archives - Timbertrain Coffee Roasters Tue, 22 Dec 2020 00:45:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Colombia Finca La Indonesia Archives - Timbertrain Coffee Roasters 32 32 186079914 How To Brew Coffee From Colombia Finca La Indonesia Thu, 17 Dec 2020 19:13:55 +0000 Introduction of new coffee arrival from Colombia Finca La Indonesia and highlighting interesting fermentation techniques applied by the Torres brothers. Follow along with Griffin as he brings you through the steps, concepts, and good habits that will allow you to bring out the intended flavours of this delicious coffee by using a V60 dripper. From[read more...]

The post How To Brew Coffee From Colombia Finca La Indonesia appeared first on Timbertrain Coffee Roasters.


Introduction of new coffee arrival from Colombia Finca La Indonesia and highlighting interesting fermentation techniques applied by the Torres brothers.

Follow along with Griffin as he brings you through the steps, concepts, and good habits that will allow you to bring out the intended flavours of this delicious coffee by using a V60 dripper. From pre-wetting the filter to swirling the slurry it’s the little aspects of filter brewing that make the best cup.

The pour-over method allows for finer control over the taste and qualities of the brew compared to normal auto-drip machines. Specifically, using a V60 dripper for this coffee provides a balanced, complex, and clean cup.

The predominant flavors are candied lemon, law honey, peach florals, and orange juice (or orange blossom).

Get your Colombia Finca La Indonesia beans here

Tools used in the video:
V60 Dripper & V60 Paper Filters
Kalita 500ml Carafe
Acaia Pearl Scale
Bonavita Temperature Digital Electric Gooseneck Kettle

Recipe used in the video:
20g of Coffee – 300g of Water – 3:00
0:00 – 50g of water to Bloom
0:45 – Begin second pouring 100g of water: 50g pour to saturate whole bed – 50g middle pour
1:20 – Lastly, pour of 150g and total weight should be at 300g: 50g pour to saturate whole bed – 100g middle pour. Give one last swirl and let it drain.
3:00 – Brewing finished



Hey guys its Griffin here at Timbertrain Coffee Depot and today I’m going to show you how to brew Colombia La Indonesia

About the Coffee

This coffee is from Finca La Indonesia, a farm located in the Narino region of Colombia. The farm is run by two brothers; Frank and Gabriel Torres, with this coffee being from a specific lot called “Los Hermanos Torres.” This coffee was purchased for us by Jeff Flemming of Apex Coffees. We’ve worked with Apex coffees for over four years now and they always help us find incredibly interesting and delicious coffees.
Though this coffee is a washed process, Caturra varietal, Frank Torres wanted to put it through an experimental fermentation method that he calls reposado. This method involves two separate fermentation stages. First, whole cherries are placed into an anaerobic container and left to ferment for 24-36 hours. Next, the coffee is removed and depulped then left to ferment in an open-air tank for 48 hours. Finally, the coffee is washed and dried on covered patios. This dual fermentation creates very interesting flavours and complex acidity.


The method for brewing that I’ve chosen today will give this coffee great body and texture while showcasing the complexity and clarity this coffee provides.

You will need a V60 with a washed filter, a scale, any kitchen scale will do, a timer, a gooseneck kettle set to 96C using filtered water, and our coffee. We are going to be using 20g of coffee and 300g of water

So, let’s begin, we’ll dose our 20g of coffee, tare our scale and begin our first pour. The bloom is going to be 50g of water and I’m going to give that a bit of agitation then let it sit for 45 seconds. Our second pour is going to be 100g and I’m going to use 50g in a spiral then the rest right in the center. When the water is about a centimeter above our brew bed, at around 1:15 we are going to begin our final pour. This is going to be 150g of water and again we are going to use 50g in spirals than the rest in the middle. Our brew should finish draining at 3:00.


If you grind too coarse and your brew finishes too quickly around 2:30 you’ll find a sharp citric acidity, thin body, almost sour.

If you grind too fine and your brew finishes closer to 3:30 the floral notes become more like nuttiness with a finish that becomes tart like the peel of a lime.

If you grind just right and the brew finishes right in line with ours at around 3min, the brew is going to be very sweet with a creamy body, you get peach florality, a raw honey sweetness, candied lemon, rich chocolate, sweet orange juice


Thanks for watching, enjoy.

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The post How To Brew Coffee From Colombia Finca La Indonesia appeared first on Timbertrain Coffee Roasters.
